The food chronicles.

The beauty of this blog is that all the recipes are as simplified as possible, to ensure that you can make delicious food in the shortest time possible.

Sunday 20 January 2013

S is for Salmon.

Personally, I find that smoked salmon tends to be tasteless, hence my recipe for flavoured fish with a fusion of garlic, that is sure to leave an impression.

*10 Chopped salmon squares ( 50X50 cm) 
*Fivepeeled garlic cloves
*TBS of tumeric
*TBS of crushed birds eye chillies 
*TBS of solid black pepper (Or you could use pre-crushed pepper and sprinkle it when required)
*TBS of salt
* Finely chopped fresh coriander (as much, or as little as you prefer)
*1 lime 
*Olive oil

1.) Place the whole pepper into a pestle and mortar and crush it, so that it resembles crushed pepper. Then add the peeled garlic cloves in, and crush them lightly, so that they infuse with the pepper. 
2.) Place the mixture into a cooking bowl and add several splashes of olive oil, as well as the chillies and turmeric and salt. Gently mix these ingredients together, adding in the finely chopped coriander. This should leave with a slightly-solid mixture. 
3.) Oil a cooking tray and place the salmon slices into the bowl with the seasoning, and smother the fish with it, using a baking spoon. Once the fish slices are covered in the garlicy mixture, place them on to the baking tray and place it in to the grill. 
4.) Check on the fish, every few minutes to occasionally turn it, to ensure that both sides are cooked properly. Continue to do so on a medium heat, for 15 minutes, you should notice that the top of the fish, starts to brown slightly. 
5.) Take the tray out of the over, sprinkle on the juice from the lemon, and a couple of splashes of olive oil,and it will be ready to serve. (Best with a large salad and potato wedges).

1 comment:

  1. Really outdone yourself this time you should defiantly go to a cooking college but I suppose you already are coming up with these dishes!
